Yesterday was my baby's first birthday. So of course I spent a lot of time thinking about this last year. And I've come to the conclusion that this past year has yielded the biggest changes in my entire life. Most are memories I will hold close for a lifetime, some are ones I wish I could erase. But that's how growth often happens....through the good and the bad. And so as I continue to move forward, I am in a place where I am constantly searching for God's voice and guidance. And I understand how that focus would never have happened without the struggles and experiences of this past year. In one year I have had a baby, changed jobs, my husband has a new job, moved, became a caregiver to 10 chickens, got my first tractor, made some very close friends, had people walk out of my life instead of fixing the problems they created, and grown in my walk with Christ...which is the number 1 experience that makes all the ups and downs in the last year absolutely worth it!
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