Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Today I went in with my husband to finish up things in his classroom. I feel like today has really been the beginning of a lot of "lasts" to come. His classroom has been our "home away from home" for the previous 3 school years. The time that we have spent there was reduced to three boxes and an arm load of extras. It was the epitome of the goodbyes that are sure to follow in the few weeks that we have left. This empty classroom made me begin to face the sadness that comes with change. I was literally sad to know that our family would never gather in those 4 walls again. Imagine the mess I will be when I shut our front door for the last time! (My stomach just dropped merely writing that sentence.)
 Change is scary....and even scarier the closer it gets to happening. And as I begin to feel anxiety about the move, I must remind myself that God has opened the proverbial "barn doors" for us to walk through. And I've got my walking shoes on! :)


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